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Dewayne Hay has been an instrumental lead in our Hunt Test program, actively ensuring
that regular Hunt Test events exist within our club. While he is not always assigned as
the Chairperson of each event, it is evident that regardless of the role on the sheet,
Dewayne is a key component to the ensuring of a successful enjoyable event by all. He
has also been the Chairperson of the National Master Hunt held at the MGDA grounds
in 2017. Dewayne is always an active participant and leader at the work parties
organized to ensure our grounds continue to be grounds we take pride in and enjoy.
Dewayne has been a member of the MGDA executive numberous times, and has held
the position of President as well. He is a fountain of knowledge of the game and our
club. He is also a representative with the Canadian National Master organization,
representing our club in a shining light. He not only participates in our events of both
Hunt Tests and Field Trials achieving titles in each, but also steps up to be a volunteer
judge for our club in both arenas, he has volunteered as a marshal, and has been a
mentor to many. With his level headed approach to situations, he has been someone
many can rely on for advice, knowledge and support. When I think about what he has
contributed and continues to contribute by being a member of the various committees, it
is an easy thought in my mind that this person deserves to be acknowledged in this
manner and the MGDA is lucky to have a member like Dewayne Hay.
Life Membership Award:
This year the Manitoba Gun Dog Association is honored to present Larry Baker after a
contribution to our club of 23 years, with a Lifetime Membership Award. Please join me
in a thank you to Larry for his contributions to our club and the game.
He is a person you can go to for advice on your dog, how to take care of an
administrative issue, or to have a chat with that feels like family. Larry has been a
contributing member at our events as a handler, a judge, a trial chairman, a gun
captain, including the Chairman of our 2015 Canadian National Amateur held at the
MGDA grounds. Larry is at every work party, and has also been instrumental in
creating training days open to all members, and fun events, which are few and far
between. Without someone like Larry, one would have to wonder sometimes if they
would continue to happen.
Larry also is a volunteer with our committees to ensure our grounds are maintained in a
safe and ever improving way with the changes in our gun dog game.
He has been a mentor in opening himself up to new members and new handlers who
want to learn. I will never forget when he told me that I was not allowed to put my
hands in until he said I could. I was not allowed to look up at where birds land, until he
said I can, to only watch the dog. And…if I did look up, I would have to fetch the bird
myself. Larry Baker has a strong reputation across the country, not only as a Field
Trial National Champion handler, but as an upstanding person in the national
community as well as a judge.
Larry also contributes to the other clubs that exist in Manitoba in a variety of ways. He
too, is someone I feel the MGDA is lucky to have as a member representing our club
within Manitoba and across Canada as well as in the United States.
When Larry is not at the grounds, he also ensures we have history records as a club
statistician and our newsletters that he volunteers to create for the club a number of
times per year.
And we all know that Larry cannot do all that he does, without his lovely wife Elsie.
Together this team has ensured that the MGDA hosts events that are attended by many
across the country.
While Larry’s handling work focusses on Field Trials, you will also see Larry
volunteering for our Hunt Test events, as well as the Orientation for new members.
Larry can be either with you on the line as a coach, an ear in the gallery, or a thrower in
the field.
Moving on to our 2023 Titles!
Baypoint’s Ramblin Rose JFTR earned JH – O/H Blake Hasiuk
Tealgrove’s Light My Fire earned JH n- O/H Judy Wilson
Tealgroves Take a Hike earned JH – O/H Dewayne Hay
Misty Marsh’a Maggie May earned JH and WC – O/H Trent Sproule
AMRAAM’s Irish Storm JFTR earned WCX & SHR (US) – owner Kelly Booth – Handler Trent Sproule
Razor’s Hotter than a Carolina Reaper earned MH, WCX and SHR (US) - O/H Trent Sproule
MBHLabs Sammy JH earned SH – O/H Allan Robertson
Wintoba’s Full Of Grace earned SH - O/H Marilyn Bayrak
Zaniri It Had to Be You SH earned SH – O/H Judy Wilson
Heads Up for Goldenworks Mr Perry MH, WCX earned GMH – O/H Dewayne Hay
Prairiestorms Summer Skye MH WCX earned GMH – O/H Geoff Plouffe
Delta Marsh Doll Face earned JFTR – O/H Ross Peden
Razor’s Chasin a Dream earned JFTR – O/H Scott Anderson
Win-Toba Strykes Again earned QFTR – owner Kyle Cooke
Windy River Win-Some Willows JFTR earned QFTR owner – Judy Andrews
Docheno’s Got Me All Fired Up earned QFTR – O/H Matt Mutcheson
Razor’s Red River Rocket JFTR earned QFTR – O/H Peter Dozios
Baypoint Black Bugatti QFTR JFTR earned FTCH AFTCH – o/H Medie Robinson
AMRAAM’s Fire and Forget QFT earned FTCH AFTCH – O/H James Oake
JFTR Razor’s Chasin a Dream – O/H Scott Anderson
Razor’s Hotter than a Carolina Reaper earned MH, WCX and SHR (US) - O/H Trent Sproule
Wisers YellaFella QFTR JH – O/H Glynnis Erichsen
AMRAAM’s Fire and Forget QFT earned FTCH AFTCH – O/H James Oake

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